Daily Vlog YouTubers I’m Addicted Too

Hi, I hope this post makes your day a little better. In my previous blog entry I talked about my top five favorite beauty channels that are worth checking out. So continuing with this theme lets talk about daily vlog channels that are really addicting to watch.

Photo Credit-Will Sanders

SacconeJolys- Starting this off is the SacconeJolys Channel, who if you haven’t heard of..then please do yourself the favor of checking out. The channels premise is about an Irish couple that moved to Britain with two children and five dogs! The content is almost always positive, upbeat and heartwarming. Over the past five years of watching this family grow and change its almost impossible to not become a fan.


Photo Credit- twitter.com/FleurDeForce

FleurDeVlog- Fleur has a special place in my heat as she was the first person I discovered on YouTube. She initially gained recognition through her main beauty channel and then started her vlog channel before branching out to create a lifestyle brand. Her videos are worth checking out because she lives in the British country side, recently married (her husband is really hot), has two cute dogs and jet sets around the world for work. Its easy not to be envious of her life because she is very down to earth and super likable.


Photo Credit- twitter.com/KristenxLeanne

Kristen Leanne Vlogs- Kristen’s channel is a newer discovery that I’m addicted too. She also has a beauty channel that is gaining subscribers quick and owns a company called Artic Fox that creates hair dye. Her daily vlog content is slightly crude which will most likely offend you at some point but at the same time very funny.


Photo Credit- twitter.com/PointlessBlog

PointlessBlog- Alfie Deyes you can say is part of the British YouTuber rat pack. In my opinion he is extremely successful at what he does which translates well into his vlog channel. I have grown to admire his work ethic and respect how unapologetic he is about his success. One warning before you check him out..its hard to just watch one video because him and his girlfriend Zoella are really cute.


Photo Credit- facebook.com/TheDefrancoFam

TheDefrancoFam- The Defranco channel is the most recent wagon I’ve jumped on. Its been a wild ride so far in-part to Lindsay Defranco who doesn’t sugar coat anything for the sake of a video. Her husband Philip Defranco also has his own wildly successful YouTube channel that in short is really awesome. The content for their daily vlog is raw, honest and inspiring to watch. Overall TheDefrancoFam is marriage and family goals.


If anyone has great suggestions for vlogs I should checkout please comment below.


Thanks for Reading



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